About the Webmaster | ![]() No I do not look like this :P |
Other Quick Pika Favorites |
Pika (Sorry, only the privileged ones get to know my real
Alias: The Chu, Pichu Sex: Male Age: 21 DOB: 6/11/1979 (Bronx, NY) Nationality: Chinese Zodiac: The Twins (Gemini) Chinese Zodiac: Sheep/Goat (Take your pick >.>); Hobbies: Computers, Anime, Eastern Philosophy, WWF, RPG's, Music, Web Page Designing, Japanese Bondage (O.o; I can't believe I just mentioned that x.x) Favorites Food: Anything Chinese and sushi/tempura Quote: "Young boy..Become a Legend." -A Thesis of a Cruel Angel (Neon Genesis Evangelion) Philosopher: Miyamoto Musashi (author of The Book of Five Rings) and Sun Tzu (author of The Art of War) Anime: DragonBall Z, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Tenchi Muyo!, Fushigi Yuugi, Kodomo no Omocha (Child's Toy), Pokemon, Vampire Princess Miyu, Record of Lodoss Wars. WWF Stars: Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Edge, Al Snow, Taka Michinoku, The Undertaker, Steve Blackman, Tazz, Test, Triple H, the Hardy Boyz, the Dudley Boyz, Too Cool, the Acolytes, and Gangrel Music: Just about anything except country, rap, and Beethoven-type classical music |
Show: Iron Chef
X-Men: Wolverine/Gambit Baseball Team: NY Yankees Hockey Team: NJ Devils Drink: Green Tea/Surge Car: Porche 911 Turbo Pokemon: Pikachu/Squirtle Z-Fighter: Goten/Trunks Alcohol: Amaretto, Corona Lite, and Coors Lite Anime Women: O.o too many to list here >.>