Hello! Welcome to The PikaPika Zone (formally Pika's Humble Little Home)
I am your host Pika (or Pichu, take your pick). And yes this replaces Pika's Humble Little Home, which met its demise a month ago (Angelfire sucks >.>;). Anyway, with a new host and a revived webmaster, I'm ready to take this page and make it better than ever! o^_^o
As some of you may know, this page not only intends to be my home in cyberspace, but also as an anime info center. Also I want my home in cyberspace to expand on things I love, which you can find out in my bio. My first attempt started out promising, but it quickly went up into flames, as I barely spent time on it. But as one of my New Year's resolutions, I'm gonna be more vigilant and help this site grow..
So....Sit back and relax, or stand up, grab a Stevewiser, and raise a little hell! Either way, enjoy your stay at The PikaPika Zone!
Your Destination
Latest News (The Latest News on The PikaPika Zone)
Pika's MP3 List (Pretty self explanatory)
Pika's Iron Chef FAQ (All you need to know about Iron Chef!)
Pika's Shrines to Cute Anime Women (Where I pick out my favorites)
The Pika Shrine To Wrestling (All you need to know about Wrestling and the WWF)
The Chu Says (The Chu Says..Just Click It!)
*Coming Soon to The
PikaPika Zone*
The Art Of War - Sun Tzu's masterpiece about waging war and how to win.
Pika's Shrine to Iron Chef - Food Network's runaway hit will get its own shrine shortly
Pika's Anime Section - The beginnings of The PikaPika Zone's Anime Info Section
Copyright © 2001 by the Webmaster All comments, thoughts, flames, hentai, and
wrestling moves's rights reserved. And if you don't like
that, I'll take your complaint, write it down on paper, turn that piece of paper
and that pencil sideways, and stick it straight up your candy ass!